goodbye june
This month flew by & sometimes I wish I could press a pause button. We celebrated Ollie's third birthday, Father's Day & Matt's 31st birthday. I used to be really good at posting regularly, but with it being summer, it gets harder! So, since this month is now over, I will just share some pictures from this past month.
These pictures are from when we took a random road trip up to Staunton, Virginia. It took us almost five hours to drive up there because of a few accidents on the road, but on the way back, it only took three. It was such a beautiful drive, filled with mountains & trees. Once we were there, we walked around & went inside all the cute antique shops. Definitely will remember this place!

Next was Oliver's 3rd birthday! I cannot believe we have a three year old. This birthday was really low key filled with coffee, donuts, going to the beach, balloons, friends, homemade pizza & cake. Oliver had a permanent smile on all day. He is our joy & we are excited for this next year & cannot wait to see what God has in store for all of us!
Father's Day!!! This was also a very mellow day because Ollie was sick & we mainly spent the day at home. We did go to our new favorite coffee shop & drove around for a bit, but that was about it! He also got a Chemex for his special day, so we are excited to use that!
Finally, we have Matt's 31st birthday! Matt had to work all day, so I ran & grabbed him a birthday coffee & then Oliver & I decorated the house & made his cake. When he got home, he opened all his gifts & then we headed to dinner at this restaurant downtown. After dinner, we headed home & had funfetti cake! Pretty mellow, but I guess we all enjoy mellow!
Here are a few random pictures throughout the month! Hope you all have a beautiful Friday!