our weekend in pictures

 I am so excited that this is Matt's LAST week of interning/work!  Then he has a month off before classes start in the fall, so we are going to soak in every day.  We have a couple little trips planned this next month & I can't wait for this week to be over ;)

This past weekend we just hung out as a family.  It was nice.  Lots of walks around Boise, a small road trip to Idaho City, and hamburgers with a side of ice-cream to end the weekend.  In my perfect Lisa world, there would be no work & weekends everyday ;)  But, since that just isn't realistic, we will just have to make the weekends count.  So, here are a few pictures from this past weekend!

So, early Saturday, we got some cold brew from Starbucks (amazing, but a little pricey) & then walked to a park where Oliver played for an hour before it started to get hot.  The picture above is the Boise train depot where they have a train that Oliver loves to visit!

After Oliver took a nap, Matt thought it would be fun to head over & check out Idaho City.  Lets just say that it isn't really a city, but a tiny town.  It was a little quirky & looked like it hadn't been touched since the 1800's!  We wanted to explore more than we did, but it started to rain, so we headed back in search of water to dip our toes in.

Perfect little river for us to skip some rocks & it was so cute watching Matt teach Ollie how to skip rocks... Although, Ollie pretty much just threw the rocks, but it was still so cute!

Of course, we can't have an Ollie picture without an Ollie face :)  ^^

This bottom picture is just to show you all that this is how much Oliver DID NOT want to leave the water...

Roadtrip essentials ^^

On Sunday, we listened to a sermon online because for some reason Oliver did not want to go to church & threw the biggest fit & started bawling...Weird...But, he also woke up the night before for a few hours because he didn't feel good.  After he took a long nap (he definitely needed it), we went for another long walk around a really cute area of Boise & ended up at a park.  We didn't stay very long because Oliver was somewhat getting delirious (we think it was because of the high temps), so we were off to make hamburgers & eat ice-cream!    

Pretty low key weekend, but it was really fun!  We totally didn't know it was national ice-cream day on Sunday, so when we went to Trader Joes, I picked up some raspberry sorbet for me (since I can't have dairy) & when I actually ended up eating some, it tasted like pure sugar syrup... I pretty much cried myself a river because there was Matt's Tillamook Coffee Almond ice-cream in all its delicious glory & I ended up not even eating mine...  Oh well, next time I know to stick with my favorite coconut milk chocolate ice-cream from Traders!  

Thank you for reading & I hope you all had a great weekend!