five months

On the 13th, Oliver turned five months!  Doesn't time go by really fast!?!  I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital...  It really makes you cherish each & every day, because one day they will be out of the house (sniff...sniff).  We are so excited to see what God has in store for our little guy.  Just in the past couple days, Oliver has discovered his tongue. It is so funny to watch him stick it out & move it from side to side.  Everything he gets his tiny hands on, he likes to stick it in his mouth.  For me,  these have been the sweetest moments.  I get to witness someone discovering everything for the first time!  How simple life can be when you can play with your tongue all day or stare at twinkling lights above the window...

Yesterday, Oliver had his shots.  Ugh... It breaks my heart to see his sweet eyes swell up with tears.  We gave him some tylenol which seemed to help, but you can always tell when your child's cry is different.  He slept most of the day, but then would awake crying uncontrollably (which is not normal).  I just felt so bad not knowing if he was in pain.  It was a long day, which turned into a long night.  He would wake up at random times & cry for a little bit then fall asleep.  The picture above was right before Ollie got his shots.  He was laying on Matt's lap & holding onto his fingers.  Heart melting!  We are praying that today will be better for little Ollie & that he gets lots of rest (mommy too)!