Darling Nightingale

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rolling over & baby stats

So this happened yesterday...

Ollie's first time rolling over & I was glad I had my phone on hand!  Such a special moment to catch on video!  Just a few weeks ago he started lifting his head & now he upgraded to the roll over ;)  He has done it a couple times since yesterday & I was glad when Matt came home to experience it himself.

Today we had Oliver's 4 month check-up... He is almost 5 months old, but we were on vacation so we had to schedule it after.  This was supposed to be the appointment with more shots, but they ran out of one vaccine so we had to reschedule for another appointment next week :(  Not looking forward to that one...
Here are his stats as of 4 months & 25 days:

Head Circumference: 16 inches  7% tile
Length:  26 3/4 inches  87% tile
Weight:  13.11 lbs.  6% tile

So we have to fatten baby up because he is a little on the small side.  I nurse 100% so I just have to feed him more frequently, otherwise if they do not see any progress, they will have to start adding a little formula to the breast milk.  Our doctor wants to wait until 6 months to start him on solids, but he said we will just have to wait & see if he can go a little earlier.  Other than that, he is a happy & healthy baby!