update on oliver
This is a late post, but we just got back from Oliver's doctor appointment & I wanted to share with you what his results were. I know many of you have been praying for our little Ollie & we are extremely thankful. Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them". We felt the Lord's comfort & there is such a peace knowing that He is taking care of our Oliver.
Oliver's appointment was at 10:30 this morning (which is his nap time, so he was really tired). The first part of his appointment was to have an ultrasound done. I laid with him as they were doing the ultrasound because he was scared. The ultrasound was to check the size of his kidneys. After that, we went to have a
voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) done. This is an x-ray examination for a child's bladder & lower urinary tract, for which they have to give the child a catheter. Oliver was not happy & we tried to distract him by singing his favorite song (the ABC's) & by letting him watch videos of himself on my cell ;) It was really hard to watch Oliver being completely strapped to the table & to see him so scared. When they were finished with the VCUG, we put Oliver in comfy clothes & then the radiologist came back in the room to tell us that his left kidney had a level 1 reflux & that his right kidney was clear. We were so excited because he went from a grade 5 reflux, down to being completely reflux free on his right kidney. The radiologist was surprised and asked us if we had people praying for Oliver. We were taken aback & said YES! This was truly a miracle & we are so thankful the Lord healed his right kidney.
(sorry they are a bit blurry, we took them on my iPhone & ollie moved a lot...hehe)
After we left the Radiology department, we headed up to see the pediatric urologist for the final results. Even though Oliver was completely healed on his right side, we were wondering why his left kidney suddenly had reflux. When the doctor came in to the room, she told us that we had a couple options. The first was that he could keep taking the daily antibiotic (the same one he had been taking this past year) for another year & to schedule another VCUG & ultrasound for next year. The second option was that we could stop the antibiotics, but anytime he would have a fever we would have to get a urine culture right away to see if the fever was the result of a UTI. She recommended that he continue the antibiotics until he was potty trained & able to verbally say when it hurts to go potty. At this age, it would be very hard to tell if they are hurting when they go potty. We decided the best option was what she recommended & even though I am not a fan of giving Oliver antibiotics for ANOTHER year, we just have to put our trust in the Lord. We also have to change up Oliver's diet because for the next year we have to monitor his poop...TMI?...sorry. She also told us that his right kidney was 2cm smaller than his left, which may have been a possible reason for his earlier diagnosis of grade 5 reflux. We are still unsure of some things concerning Oliver & his kidneys. I don't know about you all, but it always seems that we don't have any questions until after the appointment! We really like this doctor & felt comfortable with her. We talked about probiotics & I know that many people have their views on this subject, but she believes in natural probiotics (live cultured yogurt) rather than manmade, which we agree with. She really focuses on the diet rather than the prescription & even though we will have Oliver on antibiotics for another year, we feel that He is in the Lord's hands always & He will take care of him.
Sorry, this was long, but I wanted just to give you all a little update since we know you all have been praying and thinking about us. Thank you all again & I hope you all have a good night!